My “New Year’s Check-In” for people who want to go deep and ask themselves hard questions.

Michael CalozSelf-Improvement1 Comment

When should you do this worksheet?

I wrote it with the end of the year in mind. But you can do it anytime—whenever you feel stuck.

There’s no reason to wait for a new year. If you have something you want to change in your life, the best time to start is right now.

This exercise is not fluffy.

It’s for people who want to push against their edges and go deep into personal growth territory.

How is your life going? What’s holding you back from what you want? How are you fooling yourself?

I don’t believe in setting goals.

That doesn’t work for me (and for most xNxP-types I coach).

But, here’s what is important: Regularly calibrating your compass to make sure you’re pointed in the right direction.

Otherwise, it’ll feel like life is just happening to you instead of you being in the driver’s seat.

Over the years, I’ve gathered a variety of tools and questions for doing that compass-setting, and I synthesized it all into a worksheet.

This is not a goal-setting worksheet. It’s meant to be deeper than that. This is an exercise in taking a hard look at your life—at what beliefs, mental patterns, and habits are serving you and which aren’t.

Ready to jump in?

Get the latest version of the worksheet here.

(It should automatically create a copy of the original Google Doc so you can easily edit it yourself.)

Please feel free to share it with anyone in your life who might benefit. And, if you found it valuable, I’d love to hear about your biggest takeaways in the comments below. Thanks for visiting!



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